Hey buddy!

The afternoon was perfect for an adventure.  After yesterdays rain, the eight mile hike strapped down with a fifty pound pack, and dragging students by their belt loops up the trail, I needed the alone time.  So, I took off deep into the woods.  Choosing a path was easy enough by following the deer tracks to the aspen grove, but then there was the wall.  What man in the woods seeing a twenty foot rock face can’t help but scale it?  I was latterly on top of the world, or close to it.  Then there was a summit, and the sun was shining on it.  I had to be in that patch of sun.  Once, I was there I laid down to soak up the vitamin D and contemplate.  We all know where this story goes.  I woke up from a chill.  The sun was going down, panic set in, and the questions started.  Which part of these rocks did I go down?  Is this the right Aspen grove?  Where is that deer trail?  I was lost, and very irritated at myself.  I knew better.  I’ve been told by my mom and elementary school teachers my whole life ‘Don’t go out alone after dark’ and ‘look at your friends and see your future’.  Even the military has ‘battle buddies’, ‘wing men’, and ‘shipmates’. From field trips to summer camp I was taught to use the buddy system.


The truth is we were made to partner together to achieve what our creator has intended for us.  We are many parts of one body.  It is not good for us to be alone.  We know this.  The why do we think we can stand alone when it comes to breakthrough? Arrogance? Pride? Shame? Guilt?


Ecclesiastes 4:12 ‘Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.’


We make a decision to change because of how we fell.  The emotional conflict drives us to change.  That’s fine till the road gets tough, we get distracted, and we get lost.  It’s hard to convince ourselves to break that habit, make that choice, or hold captive that thought when we only have ourselves to answer to.  The fetter that bonds us just looks so good and has become so comfortable.  The emotional conflict lessens, we compromise, and our feelings tells us to keep it a secret.  What then?  Making changes for the long term require support.  Swallow your pride, lay down your shame, and break off those chains, because there is freedom in Christ.  He directs our path.  Our buddies keep us on the path.  We make the choice daily to move forward.  A three cord strand is not quickly broken.

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